IntelliJ Platform

Build Your Own Developer Tools
on Top of the IntelliJ Platform

The extensibility of the IntelliJ Platform allows you to develop your own IDEs for specific languages or frameworks and add new and powerful features to the JetBrains IntelliJ-based IDEs. Contribute to an ecosystem of powerful developer tools!


Develop plugins that add support for various languages and frameworks or provide integrations with different tools, such as VCS, issue trackers, and others.


Give IntelliJ-based IDEs your own personal touch by customizing its UI components, including the visual style of the editor, icons, and UI controls.

Explore Ideas You Can Implement in Your Plugin

Eclipse RCP development support
Ilya Mikhaylov
I lovein into Intellij IDEA but in our company we are now working with eclipse rcp. Provided osmorc support is not enough for that. I would like to see both Require-Bundle with Imprort-Package support with autofix missing dependencies, point to p2 repo instead of eclipse installation when import the project, generate and build product, work with targets (meaning by that autoupdate and set as target env), ect. And do not want to offence anyone but osmorc is bad and buggy and ugly - I would preffer to do everything manually.
JUnit on steroids: continuous testing
Maxim Shafirov
Use case 1: Developing a plugin Your little plugin has 1 test, that uses the IDEA test framework. The test takes 0.02 sec, but The tests framework takes 30 seconds to warm up =\> The 1-test test suite takes 30.02 seconds to complete As it takes too long, you don't run it as frequently as you wish. Use case 2: Long test suite A project complete test suite takes 10 minutes to run, but you spend the morning working on a subset - 1 class - that is directly or indirectly exercised by 3 tests, that take only 5 seconds. Request : Have IDEA JUnit runner run continuously, and watch file modifications. It could be triggered by file compilation, or watch for idleness (the same way as "save on idle": this could trigger an automatic background compile). This would add a 3rd color to the JUnit progress bar, meaning "out-of-date". At this stage, it would be trivial to add a warning : the method/class you have just modified is not tested `
Support the SQLAlchemy object relational mapper
Andrey Vlasovskikh
SQLAlchemy is a SQL tool and object relational mapper.See also this Stack Overflow question.

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