Hybris Integration

Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio and 1 more
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This is a plugin for SAP Hybris Commerce integration.

If you have any questions or issues, please email us at support@hybris-integration.atlassian.net or use our Service Desk. We are always glad to help you!

Check out plugin tutorials on our YouTube channel.

Free 30-day trial!

  • Import of Hybris extensions to IntelliJ IDEA with automatic dependency resolution and classpath configuration optimized for fast compilation and correct unit and integration tests execution.
  • Import your custom Eclipse, Maven and Gradle extensions together with a Hybris platform.
  • Automatic configuration of Spring, Web, Ant, Database Connector IntelliJ IDEA plugins.
  • Custom editor for impex files with automatic formatting, "find usages" and "go to declaration" actions, validation and impex import into a remote Hybris instance right from your IDE.
  • Custom editor for flexible Search queries with an ability to execute them on a remote Hybris instance right from the IDE.
  • Custom editor for items.xml with validation, best-practices analyses, quick-fix autosuggestion and easy navigation through "find usages" and "go to declaration" actions.
  • Custom editor for beans.xml with custom automated Intellij refactorings actions.
  • Visualization of business process graph (use a context menu of the file "Diagrams/Show Diagram", only Ultimate IDEA).
  • Enhanced project view tree.
  • JRebel and DCEVM support.
  • Execution of Flexible Search queries, Groovy and Impex scripts though the IDE using HAC Integration tool.
  • Execution of queries on remote Solr instances.
  • JSP Debugging.
  • Much more!

What’s New


  • Fixed a build error while running unit tests on OSX: "Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path".


  • Fixed the "Class initialization must not depend on services" error.
  • Fixed the "Path not associated with default file system" project import error on Windows.
  • Fixed editing of the debug run configuration.
  • Fixed editing of the HAC properties and loggers through the HAC console tool window.
  • Fixed the "PsiClassType cannot be cast to class PsiClassReferenceType" error.


Project Import

  • Many project import stability improvements. Too many to list here, but here are a few:
    • Fixed several concurrency issues, which were causing errors logged by the IDE during both the project refresh and import.
    • Modules grouping now works by prefixing module names with the group name, separated by a dot, since the old way was deprecated.
    • "File | Hybris | Add folder" no longer creates "Eclipse" modules but instead uses native IDEA's modules.
    • Project import dialogue now works more reliably when the steps are navigated back and forth.
    • In several configurations, changed sets to ordered sets to avoid causing VCS changes and merge conflicts in the IDE's configuration files.
    • Fixed the error SymbolicIdAlreadyExistsException "Entity with symbolicId: LibraryId(name=Hybris Tomcat Application Server, ...) already exist".
      • 💡 It is recommended to do "File | Invalidate Caches" to have it completely go away after this fix.
    • Other stability improvements for issues found during the internal testing.

Project Build

  • Project build and JUnit tests stability improvements for projects using JVMs 15 and higher.
  • Improved build and JUnit tests stability for older Hybris versions too, down to Hybris 5.x.

Type System

  • Improved navigation from "*-items.xml" files to Spring XML files.
  • Improved debug variable renderers to avoid NPEs when objects are not fully initialized.


  • Fixed impex validation action invoked using the editor's gutter icon.
  • Disabled automatic folding of "values lines" by default because it was hiding nearly everything in the file, making it necessary to click on them to actually see something. It can be enabled again in "File | Settings | [y] Hybris Integration".


  • Fixed compatibility with IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.
  • Many smaller fixes for issues identified during the internal testing of the plugin's functionality on different Hybris versions.
  • Fixed a lot of the errors reported by users.
    • A separate note on "ActionUpdateThread.OLD_EDT" errors. All these should be fixed, you should not see them anymore.
  • Migrated hundreds of usages of the deprecated IDE's API to the newer API.
  • Fixed usages of the IDE's so-called "internal" API.
  • Updated libraries used in the project.
    • Now we also do a regular extensive analysis and control of our dependencies for possible vulnerabilities. And I do not mean that we just use the dependabot. It is more than that.
  • Fixed multiple concurrency issues in a few features, which should make them more stable.
  • Removed dependencies on some no longer required plugins and libraries, which reduced the size of the distribution by almost 50%.
  • Last but not least, a lot of code was refactored to make it easier to support, test and add new major features.
Nov 27, 2024
Version 2024.3.0.3

Rating & Reviews

75 Ratings (308,017 Downloads)

Angela Giraldo


In each major update, some issues leave the plugin useless, now there is "Requires plugin 'AntSupport' to be installed" which is not available for version 2023.3.0.3. When it works is very good


Gregor Kofler


It requires AntSupport plugin but this plugin is not available for 2023.3.




Great plugin. I have a problem: my code base resides in wsl (Windous Subsystem for Linux) and my intellig is on windows. When trying to access https://localhost:9002/hac via the plugin it doesn't work. It says 'Unable to obtain sessionId from https://localhost:9002/hac ). Anyone who could help me out or point me to a possible solution? the hac webroot solution didn't work for me. Thanks a lot


Additional Information

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