Google Cloud Code

Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio and 10 more
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Use Google Cloud Code right from your IDE to build applications and integrate with GCP services faster and easier. Cloud Code helps you increase agility and speed to develop scalable cloud-based applications. Cloud Code automates tasks such as setting up local/remote dev environments, building containers, and deploying services, and comes packed with tools to help you write, run, and debug your applications. In addition, Cloud Code makes it easy to build secured applications to protect sensitive data.

Key Features

  • Ready-to-go dev environment - comes with pre-configured tools you need to create, build, test and debug cloud-based applications.
  • Real debugging in local or remote clusters - no more debugging via logs or having to manually set up port forwarding to debug!
  • Authentication - securely connect to Google Cloud using the gcloud command-line tool to access resources.
  • Kubernetes - deploy to clusters, browse Kubernetes resources with one-click access to monitor progress, debug, stream logs, and connect to pod terminals, among a variety of other actions.
  • Serverless with Cloud Run - browse Cloud Run services, deploy to Cloud Run, and debug using a local emulator.
  • Compute Engine - view the Compute Engine VMs running your applications, establish connections to your VMs using SSH, view application logs, and upload files to a VM.
  • Google Cloud SQL - view Cloud SQL instances, connect to a Cloud SQL database locally, and create new IDE data sources.
  • App Engine - create a new project to run and debug locally for applications in the standard environment, and to deploy projects in either the standard or flexible environment.
  • YAML editing support - use snippets, linting, smart completion, and automatic YAML validation to easily configure resources. Supports hundreds of custom resources (CRDs).
  • Cloud APIs - access most Google Cloud services with Cloud APIs for Go, Java, Python and Node.js.
  • Store application secrets securely with Secret Manager - create and securely manage secrets by storing sensitive information with Secret Manager instead of in the codebase.
  • Custom Samples - set up and share repositories of application samples, custom to your organization, to get your team started quickly.
  • Speed up development - Harness the power of Skaffold, minikube, and GKE right from the IDE! Containerize with Docker, jib, buildpacks.

Refer to Google Cloud Code documentation for more information.

Cloud Code telemetry overall is handled in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy. When you use Cloud Code to interact with or utilize GCP Services (including via Cloud SDK), your information is handled in accordance with the Google Cloud Privacy Notice

What’s New

Nov 11, 2024
Version 24.11.1-233-api-version-223

Rating & Reviews

45 Ratings (1,022,836 Downloads)



PRO: many features. CONS: so bad that the Cloud Run icon on the left is not even SVG. it does not install gcloud CLI for me for some reason. and I already have the Copilot extension, I don't want Gemini. I am very smart so I managed to disable Gemini in the IDE, yet every developer knows "Highly Coupled" code is bad. GCP has the prettiest and most convenient UI, but the extension is not designed by the same architecture guidelines.


Jarrod Roberson


Every update resets your preferences to turn this LESS THAN USELESS crap back on. Their solution is to just manually disable it every time instead of stop changing my preferences without being asked to. Seems they are not MY preferences, that they are Googles and just my suggestions until the next update re-enables them and then starts demanding a credit card to enable the terrible artificial unintelligence.


Jarrod Roberson


I do not want Gemni Code Assist, it is crap, it wastes my time with irrelevant and more imporantly INCORRECT CODE! Why does this plugin now DEPEND on something that is broken and it did not need before! If anything, it should be the other way around.


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