MyBatisCodeHelperPro plugin for java mybatis framework, provide auto completion inspection, code generation, make mybatis easy to use
- 插件可以识别mybatis动态标签,使用mybatis动态标签的sql可以正常提示,检测
- mybatis几乎所有地方的sql都有代码提示,可以写出安全的sql
- 从表上生成增删查改代码,在表上加字段后重新生成不会覆盖自己写的方法
- 使用方法名生成完整的sql,只要一个方法名就可以生成大部分单表操作的sql
- resultMap column和property代码提示,检测,支持associaction,collection,columnPrefix
- #{}自动提示,检测
- 从java类生成建表语句
- 最好的ognl支持,if test自动提示检测,bind,foreach等
- 解析select语句中查询的字段,一键从sql生成java类和resultMap
- 从sql快速生成mybatis xml和java接口方法,可自定义参数
- 快速给参数添加if test
- 从接口方法一键生成testcase,可快速测试sql
- mybatis代码格式化,兼容mybatis的动态标签
- Spring支持,检测项目配置的mapperscan,识别@Mapper注解,将mybatis的类注入到spring中,注入不再报错
- mybatis sql log支持,从控制台打印出完整的sql,点击直接执行sql
- 大量的配置选项,比如某些插件要忽略部分参数解析,useActualParam配置,typeAlias配置等
- 最好的泛型支持,接口方法或者参数使用泛型在#{} if test等也可以正常解析
- #{},if test等可重构参数名称
- 支持mybatis简单的注解,代码提示,检测,可以一键把注解sql挪到xml
- 兼容mybatisplus,tkmapper等框架
- 使用方法名生成mybatisplus QueryWrapper
- 兼容kotlin
- qq5群:575733084
- Full mybatis sql auto complete, recognize mybatis tag in xml, like where trim set include ect,provide sql completion after those tag
- Generate mybatis crud code by Intellij database table or add a database connection
Generate mybatis sql based on mybatis interface method name like spring data jpa, with this, you don't have to write most sql for non join query support generate statement with if test
- Database generate crud could generate multiple times when you add or delete columns, plugin will auto merge code
Jump from mybatis dao interface to mapper xml each other
Auto complete for mybatis #{},if test,foreach,resultMap,refid in sql
- Generate create table sql from java class
- TypeAlias Support
- Mybatis #{} refactor and inspection
- Ognl support, if test when test ${ bind foreach collection, refactor and inspection and auto completion
Jump from refid resultMap to their definition, refactor their name as well
Generate page query by mapper interface method
Spring support for mybatis, inject mybatis mapper to spring bean,support SpringBoot
- Refid,resultMap,keyProperty,property auto complete Add @param for mapper method
- Resultmap column complete and inspection by parse reference select statement
- Auto map resultMap column and property, Check resultMap columns, Quickly add unMaped columns
- Code Formatter
Generate mybatis mapper testcase from mybatis interface method by database connection, make you test method quicker
Full inspection for mybatis, like unused sql in xml, mapper method not have sql in xml, check if resultMap property is right ect
- Sql log from batslog
- to learn more.
How to use