IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

7. Folding Test

Define Test Data

Create a file in the testData directory. This java file contains markup instructions for three different cases of code folding.

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args)<fold text=' { '> { </fold>System.out.println("<fold text=''>simple:website</fold>");<fold text=' }'> }</fold> public static void main1(String[] args)<fold text=' { '> { </fold>System.out.println("<fold text='This is the value that could be looked up with the key \"key with spaces\".'>simple:key with spaces</fold>");<fold text=' }'> }</fold> public static void main2(String[] args)<fold text=' { '> { </fold>System.out.println("<fold text='Welcome to \n Wikipedia!'>simple:message</fold>");<fold text=' }'> }</fold> }

Define a Test

Add the testFolding() method to the SimpleCodeInsightTest class previously defined. This test method reuses the DefaultTestData.simple Simple file.

public void testFolding() { myFixture.configureByFile("DefaultTestData.simple"); myFixture.testFolding(getTestDataPath() + "/"); }

Run the Test

Run the test and make sure it's successful.

Running tests

  1. Open the Gradle Tool Window.

  2. Select the simple_language_plugin node. You may need to reimport it as a Gradle project.

  3. Drill down under simple_language_plugin to Tasks, verification, test task.

  4. Run the test task.

The results are displayed in the Run Tool Window, and also written to the simple_language_plugin/build/test-results/test directory.

If the Run Tool Window displays the error Test events were not received, do the following:

  1. In the Gradle Tool Window, drill down under simple_language_plugin to Tasks, build, clean task.

  2. Run the clean task, which deletes the simple_language_plugin/build directory.

  3. Restart the test.

    Last modified: 26 July 2024