IntelliJ Platform Artifacts Repositories

Edit pageLast modified: 22 July 2024

JetBrains maintains public repositories that host artifacts related to the IntelliJ Platform, such as binaries and source code. These repositories make artifacts more accessible for plugin developers.

The IntelliJ Platform artifacts repositories are:

See the Maven coordinates section for details about specifying these artifacts.

Both the Releases and Snapshots repositories have two types of content:

  • Binary and source code artifacts for cross-platform, ZIP distributions of IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, Rider, and MPS. These artifacts are not intended to be accessed directly from a plugin project's Gradle build script. See also Repositories Extension.

    The Gradle IntelliJ Plugin (1.x) will access them implicitly as-needed for a plugin project.

  • Artifacts for individual modules from the IntelliJ Platform. These may be downloaded, or accessed directly from a Gradle build script, as explained below.