Persisting Sensitive Data
Edit pageLast modified: 12 November 2024The Credentials Store API allows you to store sensitive user data securely, like passwords, server URLs, etc.
How to Use
Use PasswordSafe
to work with credentials.
Common Utility Method:
private CredentialAttributes createCredentialAttributes(String key) {
return new CredentialAttributes(
CredentialAttributesKt.generateServiceName("MySystem", key)
Retrieve Stored Credentials
String key = null; // e.g. serverURL, accountID
CredentialAttributes attributes = createCredentialAttributes(key);
PasswordSafe passwordSafe = PasswordSafe.getInstance();
Credentials credentials = passwordSafe.get(attributes);
if (credentials != null) {
String password = credentials.getPasswordAsString();
// or get password only
String password = passwordSafe.getPassword(attributes);
Store Credentials
CredentialAttributes attributes = createCredentialAttributes(key);
Credentials credentials = new Credentials(username, password);
PasswordSafe.getInstance().set(attributes, credentials);
To remove stored credentials, pass null
for the credentials
The default storage format depends on the OS.
OS | Storage |
Windows | File in KeePass format |
macOS | Keychain using Security Framework |
Linux | Secret Service API using libsecret |
Users can override the default behavior in Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Passwords.
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