Postfix Templates
The IntelliJ Platform allows plugins to provide custom postfix templates specific to the supported languages, frameworks, or libraries.
To provide custom postfix templates for an existing or custom language, register an implementation of PostfixTemplateProvider
in the com.intellij.codeInsight.template.postfixTemplateProvider
extension point (EP).
The PostfixTemplateProvider
extension contains the list of templates that extend the PostfixTemplate
class. During the code completion mechanism, all postfix template providers registered for the current language are queried for their templates. All templates enabled and applicable in the current context will be added to the completion popup items set.
providing Java postfix templatesPyPostfixTemplateProvider
providing Python postfix templates
The simplest way to create a postfix template is by extending the PostfixTemplate
class and implementing the key methods:
boolean isApplicable()
determining whether the template can be used in the context described by parametersvoid expand()
inserting the template content in the editor
surrounding an expression with the instanceof checkTryWithResourcesPostfixTemplate
wrapping a selected expression in try-with-resources block
See the Advanced Postfix Templates section for information on how to implement postfix templates with more advanced features and editing possibilities.
All postfix templates must provide descriptions and examples showing the code before and after a template is expanded. The files describing the template must be placed in the plugin's resources in the postfixTemplates/$TEMPLATE_NAME$ where the $TEMPLATE_NAME$ directory must match the simple name of the template class, e.g., for a template implemented in com.example.IntroduceVariablePostfixTemplate
class, the directory name should be named as IntroduceVariablePostfixTemplate.
Providing the description explaining the template purpose and context details is achieved by creating the description.html file.
Providing the code snippets showing the template in "before" and "after" expanding states is achieved via the before.$EXTENSION$.template and after.$EXTENSION$.template files accordingly. The $EXTENSION$ placeholder should be replaced with the extension of the template language, e.g., before.kt.template for a Kotlin template.
If a plugin project is multi-module, and it combines resources into a single JAR, make sure that all template description files have unique names or paths. Otherwise, only the last packed description file will exist in the distribution package.
See the Bundled Translations section for information about how to provide postfix template description translations in plugins.
The code snippets included in the example files can use the <spot>
marker, which should surround the most important code parts, e.g., expression to expand and position of the caret after expanding. Marked parts will be highlighted in the Settings | Editor | General | Postfix Completion settings page, making it easier for users to understand how a template is expanded, e.g.:
List<Product> products = cart.getProducts();<spot></spot>
Template example files can also use the $key
placeholder which is replaced with the actual template key in the preview UI, e.g., consider a template with the var
The gutter icons for a postfix template class allow navigating to the corresponding description and before/after files in plugin resources.
Example: TryWithResourcesPostfixTemplate
directory containing description files for TryWithResourcesPostfixTemplate