1. Prerequisites
This page is part of multi-step Custom Language Support Tutorial. All previous steps must be executed in sequence for the code to work.
Download and install either IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate or IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition from here.
While not required, having the full sources of the platform and all bundled plugins available for browsing allows finding related implementations.
Download the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition source files as described in the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition README file.
Make sure that the Plugin DevKit and Gradle plugins are enabled.
Plugin DevKit plugin is bundled with IntelliJ IDEA until 2023.2.
Plugin DevKit AvailabilityWhen using IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3 or later, the Plugin DevKit plugin must be installed from JetBrains Marketplace (Plugin Homepage) as it is no longer bundled with the IDE.
Install and enable Grammar-Kit and PsiViewer (optionally) plugins.
Create an empty IntelliJ Platform Plugin project or start using IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template when creating a plugin hosted on GitHub.