For only two opposing yes/no options, use a checkbox instead.
5 and more options
If the options have short labels, use a segmented button. Or, if the options can be represented on an axis, such as a time delay, use a slider instead.
For other cases with 5 or more options use a drop-down list:
The option might be used less often than other options on the screen.
There are other drop-down lists in the same group of UI components. A radio button group is more noticeable than a drop-down list, so it will look like a more important setting.
There is a combination of several UI components for one setting:
The automatic updates setting consists of a checkbox, three lengthy-labeled options in a dropdown and a button.
How to use
A label accompanies each checkbox and is placed next to it.
If a label is long, split it into two lines. Avoid labels that take more than two lines. See recommendations on writing concise labels below.
To implement this, use HTML formatting:
Kotlin UI DSL
radioButton("<html>Show options before adding<br>to version control</html>")
newJRadioButton("<html>Show options before adding<br>to version control</html>");
Writing guidelines
Use sentence-style capitalization.
Do not use ending punctuation.
Use the imperative form of verbs.
Do not use negation in labels as it complicates understanding.
Always start a radio button group with a group label. It explains what the options are for.
Use a checkbox or another radio button as a group label if the radio button group needs to be turned on or off.
Use a colon at the end of a group label.
Sizes and placement
If a radio button group depends on another control, e.g., a checkbox, follow the rules for dependent colors. Otherwise, follow the rules for independent colors.