Product Help: SDKs
Every project uses a Software Development Kit (SDK). For Java projects, the SDK is referred to as the JDK (Java Development Kit). The SDK determines which API library is used to build the project. If a project is multi-module, the project SDK by default is common for all modules within the project. Optionally, individual SDKs for each module can be configured.
Workspace Model API (2024.2+)The Workspace Model API is available since 2024.2 for use by third-party plugins and should be preferred over using the Project Model API.
See Interoperability with Project Model API and Usage Examples.
The information about the project SDK is accessed via ProjectRootManager
like the following example shows
Sdk projectSdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk();
To get the project-level SDK:
Sdk projectSdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdkName();
To get the project-level SDK name:
String projectSdkName = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdkName();
To set the project-level SDK:
To set the project-level SDK name:
ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).setProjectSdkName(name, sdk.getSdkType().getName());
See the project_model code sample to get more familiar with the SDK manipulation toolset.
can be used to query and modify configured SDKs.
To create a custom SDK, provide a class extending SdkType
, leave saveAdditionalData()
blank, and register it in the com.intellij.sdkType
extension point.
To make SDK settings persistent, override setupSdkPaths()
and save settings by modificator.commitChanges()
public boolean setupSdkPaths(@NotNull Sdk sdk, @NotNull SdkModel sdkModel) {
SdkModificator modificator = sdk.getSdkModificator();
modificator.commitChanges(); // save
return true;
To let a user select an SDK, see ProjectJdksEditor
However, it is not recommended to use "SDK" in non-IntelliJ IDEA IDEs. Although "SDK" is available in most JetBrains products, ProjectJdksEditor
is specific to Java, making the operation around "SDK" difficult. The recommended way of managing "SDK" settings is to create a CustomStepProjectGenerator
implementation and save settings in a PersistentStateComponent
Prompting the user with a notification to set up an SDK can help them get up-and-running with a plugin faster. Use com.intellij.projectSdkSetupValidator
extension point to register an implementation of ProjectSdkSetupValidator
to notify the user if they are missing an SDK.
The following is a simplified example that checks whether an instance of "DemoSdk" has been configured in the project when the user opens a "DemoFileType":
internal class DemoProjectSdkSetupValidator : ProjectSdkSetupValidator {
override fun isApplicableFor(project: Project, file: VirtualFile): Boolean {
return file.fileType == DemoFileType
override fun getErrorMessage(project: Project, file: VirtualFile): String? {
if (ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getSdksOfType(DemoSdkType.getInstance()).isEmpty()) {
return "No DemoSdks are configured for this project!"
return null
override fun getFixHandler(project: Project, file: VirtualFile):
EditorNotificationPanel.ActionHandler {
return SdkPopupFactory.newBuilder()
.withSdkTypeFilter { it is DemoSdkType }
Within DemoProjectSdkSetupValidator
checks what condition(s) should be met to run the validation.getErrorMessage()
runs the validation and returns an appropriate error message if the validation fails.If the validation is successful, then it should return null.
returns anEditorNotificationPanel.ActionHandler
that enables the user to execute a quick fix to resolve the validation issue.
will not work in IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs such as PyCharm. In such cases, you should register an implementation ofEditorNotificationProvider
at thecom.intellij.editorNotificationProvider
extension point and override thecreateNotificationPanel()
method with the conditionality and panel setup you want.
Thanks for your feedback!