14. Structure View Factory
This page is part of multi-step Custom Language Support Tutorial. All previous steps must be executed in sequence for the code to work.
The structure view can be customized for a specific file type. Creating a structure view factory allows showing the structure of any file in the Structure tool window or by invoking Navigate | File Structure for easy navigation between items in the current editor.
The SimpleStructureViewFactory
implements PsiStructureViewFactory
. The getStructureViewBuilder()
implementation reuses the IntelliJ Platform class TreeBasedStructureViewBuilder
. At this point the project will not compile until SimpleStructureViewModel
is implemented below.
final class SimpleStructureViewFactory implements PsiStructureViewFactory {
public StructureViewBuilder getStructureViewBuilder(@NotNull final PsiFile psiFile) {
return new TreeBasedStructureViewBuilder() {
public StructureViewModel createStructureViewModel(@Nullable Editor editor) {
return new SimpleStructureViewModel(editor, psiFile);
The SimpleStructureViewModel
is created by implementing StructureViewModel
, which defines the model for data displayed in the standard structure view. It also extends StructureViewModelBase
, an implementation that links the model to a text editor.
public class SimpleStructureViewModel extends StructureViewModelBase implements
StructureViewModel.ElementInfoProvider {
public SimpleStructureViewModel(@Nullable Editor editor, PsiFile psiFile) {
super(psiFile, editor, new SimpleStructureViewElement(psiFile));
public Sorter @NotNull [] getSorters() {
return new Sorter[]{Sorter.ALPHA_SORTER};
public boolean isAlwaysShowsPlus(StructureViewTreeElement element) {
return false;
public boolean isAlwaysLeaf(StructureViewTreeElement element) {
return element.getValue() instanceof SimpleProperty;
protected Class<?> @NotNull [] getSuitableClasses() {
return new Class[]{SimpleProperty.class};
The SimpleStructureViewElement
implements StructureViewTreeElement
and SortableTreeElement
. The StructureViewTreeElement
represents an element in the Structure View tree model. The SortableTreeElement
represents an item in a smart tree that allows using text other than the presentable text as a key for alphabetic sorting.
public class SimpleStructureViewElement implements StructureViewTreeElement, SortableTreeElement {
private final NavigatablePsiElement myElement;
public SimpleStructureViewElement(NavigatablePsiElement element) {
this.myElement = element;
public Object getValue() {
return myElement;
public void navigate(boolean requestFocus) {
public boolean canNavigate() {
return myElement.canNavigate();
public boolean canNavigateToSource() {
return myElement.canNavigateToSource();
public String getAlphaSortKey() {
String name = myElement.getName();
return name != null ? name : "";
public ItemPresentation getPresentation() {
ItemPresentation presentation = myElement.getPresentation();
return presentation != null ? presentation : new PresentationData();
public TreeElement @NotNull [] getChildren() {
if (myElement instanceof SimpleFile) {
List<SimpleProperty> properties = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(myElement, SimpleProperty.class);
List<TreeElement> treeElements = new ArrayList<>(properties.size());
for (SimpleProperty property : properties) {
treeElements.add(new SimpleStructureViewElement((SimplePropertyImpl) property));
return treeElements.toArray(new TreeElement[0]);
The SimpleStructureViewFactory
implementation is registered with the IntelliJ Platform in the plugin configuration file using the com.intellij.lang.psiStructureViewFactory
extension point.
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
Run the project by using the Gradle runIde
Open the test.simple file and open View | Tool Windows | Structure. The IDE now supports a structure view of the Simple Language:

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