Gradle IntelliJ Plugin (1.x) – Usage Examples
Obsolescence NoticeGradle IntelliJ Plugin (1.x) is no longer under active development.
Whenever possible, use IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin (2.x) instead.
The JetBrains Marketplace platform provides the IntelliJ Platform Explorer – a search tool for browsing Extension Points inside existing implementations of open-source IntelliJ Platform plugins.
One of its features is the possibility of filtering the plugins by those that utilize Gradle or Gradle KTS build scripts.
As examples of using this plugin, you can also check out the following projects:
Adb Idea is configured to build and run against stable, beta or preview (canary) releases of Android Studio
Gerrit uses Travis CI inclusive automated publishing of releases to GitHub and JetBrains plugin repository (triggered by version tag creation)
Mixes Java, Kotlin, and Groovy code
Uses Grammar-Kit
Uses a Kotlin version not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA
Unity 3D plugin for JetBrains Rider
AEM Tools plugin for Adobe Experience Manager integration
Fully written in Kotlin
Uses template language
F# plugin for JetBrains Rider
Fully written in Kotlin
Uses other IntelliJ IDEA plugins as test dependencies
Circle CI configuration file & Travis CI configuration file
Auto submit anonymous feedback as GitHub issues
Fully written in Kotlin
Uses other IntelliJ IDEA plugins as test dependencies
Uses Grammar-Kit
Uses a Kotlin version not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA
Mixes Java and Kotlin code
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