IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Entity Declaration

The Workspace Model allows defining types of entities.

To declare an entity type, a Kotlin interface has to be created, which directly or indirectly extends WorkspaceEntity. The entity interface must contain read-only properties only.

A nested Builder interface with setters for these properties, and a companion object which allows creating instances of the entity are generated automatically along with the implementations (see Generating Entity Implementations). The platform currently provides some predefined types of entities (see entities package), but they're supposed to be used only for interoperability with code which uses the project model API.

Plugins should define and use their own types of entities if they need to store framework-specific data.


Default and Computable Fields

See Property Kinds.

interface GradleEntity : WorkspaceEntity { val test: String // Field with default value val version: Int @Default get() = 5 val description: Description // Computable field val name: String get() = } data class Description( val name: String, val valid: Boolean, val modifications: Int )

Parent → Child References

See Parent-Child Relationship.

interface MavenEntity : WorkspaceEntity { val version: Int val name: String val root: VirtualFileUrl val kotlinEntities: List<@Child KotlinEntity> } interface KotlinEntity : WorkspaceEntity { val name: String val maven: MavenEntity }

Soft Reference using SymbolicEntityId

See SymbolicEntityId and Symbolic References.

interface MavenEntity : WorkspaceEntityWithSymbolicId { val version: Int val name: String override val symbolicId: MavenId get() = MavenId(true, name) } interface KotlinEntity : WorkspaceEntity { val name: String val mavenId: MavenId } data class MavenId( val valid: Boolean, override val presentableName: String ) : SymbolicEntityId<MavenEntity>

Reference via Extension Property

Due to the limitation that a reference must be declared on both entities, there needs to be an option to declare a reference to an entity from another module. This can be done by declaring an extension property for the entity located outside the module. This property must use the WorkspaceEntity.extension() delegate to work correctly.

Example: a KotlinEntity declaring a reference to the MavenEntity located in a different module:

interface MavenEntity: WorkspaceEntity { val version: Int val name: String }
interface KotlinEntity: WorkspaceEntity { val name: String val maven: MavenEntity } val MavenEntity.kotlinEntity: @Child KotlinEntity by WorkspaceEntity.extension()


For inheritance, the supertype entity must be marked using Abstract annotation.

See PackagingElementEntity, more samples can be found in the com.intellij.platform.workspace.jps.entities package.

Generating Entity Implementations

After defining the entity interface, generate some code with the Generate Workspace Model Implementation action, available from the module's context menu in the Project tool window or via Help | Find Action on the currently open file.

Entity implementations can also be generated via the Generate implementation quick-fix on the interface's name element, which is provided by inspection Plugin DevKit | Workspace model | Generate implementation.

Along with generating implementations for the interfaces in the gen source folder, this action also adds the Builder interface to an entity as well as some additional methods in the file where the entity is located.

Comments surround all generated blocks:

//region generated code //endregion

Don't edit the generated code blocks. If something is wrong with the generated code, try re-executing the action.

Last modified: 21 August 2024