IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Usage Examples

See also Entity Mutation and Entity Read topics.


Search Module by Name

val moduleId = ModuleId("moduleName") val entityStorage: ImmutableEntityStorage = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).currentSnapshot entityStorage.resolve(moduleId)

Rename Module

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val moduleEntity: ModuleEntity = workspaceModel.currentSnapshot.resolve(ModuleId(moduleName)) writeAction { workspaceModel.update("Change module name") { builder -> builder.modifyModuleEntity(moduleEntity) { = newModuleName } } }

ModuleEntity Creation

Creating a new ModuleEntity, the legacy bridge will be created by the platform. An important part here is the entity source. To serialize an entity in project configuration files under the .idea folder, use JpsProjectFileEntitySource.

import com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.legacyBridge.LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory // ... val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val moduleId = ModuleId(moduleName) if (moduleId in workspaceModel.currentSnapshot) { // Module with such `ModuleId` already exists ... } val baseModuleDir = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar") val moduleEntitySource = LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory.getInstance(project) .createEntitySourceForModule(baseModuleDir, null) WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).update("Add new module") { builder -> val moduleEntity = ModuleEntity(moduleName, emptyList(), moduleEntitySource) builder.addEntity(moduleEntity) }
import com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.impl.LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory // ... val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val moduleId = ModuleId(moduleName) if (moduleId in workspaceModel.currentSnapshot) { // Module with such `ModuleId` already exists ... } val baseModuleDir = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar") val moduleEntitySource = LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory .createEntitySourceForModule(project, baseModuleDir, null) WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).update("Add new module") { builder -> val moduleEntity = ModuleEntity(moduleName, emptyList(), moduleEntitySource) builder.addEntity(moduleEntity) }

Add Library Dependency to Module

A project-level library is added as a dependency to the module.

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val moduleEntity = workspaceModel.currentSnapshot .resolve(ModuleId(moduleName)) ?: return workspaceModel.update("Adding new module dependency") { builder -> builder.modifyModuleEntity(moduleEntity) { val libraryId = LibraryId( libraryName, LibraryTableId.ProjectLibraryTableId ) this.dependencies.add( LibraryDependency(libraryId, false, DependencyScope.COMPILE) ) } }

Searching for Module-Containing Path

Search for content roots and source roots with required URLs and determine the ModuleEntity to which they belong.

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val virtualFileUrl = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar/src") workspaceModel.currentSnapshot.getVirtualFileUrlIndex() .findEntitiesByUrl(virtualFileUrl) .mapNotNull { if (it is SourceRootEntity) { it.contentRoot.module } else if (it is ContentRootEntity) { it.module } else { null } }


LibraryEntity Creation

Creating a new LibraryEntity, the legacy bridge will be created by the platform.

import com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.legacyBridge.LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory // ... val currentSnapshot = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).currentSnapshot val libraryTableId = LibraryTableId.ProjectLibraryTableId val libraryId = LibraryId(libraryName, libraryTableId) if (libraryId in currentSnapshot) { // Library with such `LibraryId` already exist ... } val libraryEntitySource = LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory.getInstance(project) .createEntitySourceForProjectLibrary(null) val libraryEntity = LibraryEntity( libraryName, libraryTableId, emptyList(), libraryEntitySource ) WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).update("Add new library") { builder -> builder.addEntity(libraryEntity) }
import com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.impl.LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory // ... val currentSnapshot = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).currentSnapshot val libraryTableId = LibraryTableId.ProjectLibraryTableId val libraryId = LibraryId(libraryName, libraryTableId) if (libraryId in currentSnapshot) { // Library with such `LibraryId` already exist ... } val libraryEntitySource = LegacyBridgeJpsEntitySourceFactory .createEntitySourceForProjectLibrary(project, null) val libraryEntity = LibraryEntity( libraryName, libraryTableId, emptyList(), libraryEntitySource ) WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project).update("Add new library") { builder -> builder.addEntity(libraryEntity) }

Searching for Library by Root Type and URL

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val virtualFileUrlManager = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() // URL that we will look for in library entities val virtualFileUrl = virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar") workspaceModel.currentSnapshot.getVirtualFileUrlIndex() .findEntitiesByUrl(virtualFileUrl).filterIsInstance<LibraryEntity>().filter { it.roots.any { it.url == virtualFileUrl && it.type == LibraryRootTypeId.SOURCES } }


Add Content Root and Source Root for Module

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val virtualFileUrlManager = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() val moduleEntity = workspaceModel.currentSnapshot .resolve(ModuleId(moduleName)) ?: ... val contentRootUrl = virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar") val sourceRootUrl = virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar/src") workspaceModel.update("Adding source root") { builder -> val contentRootEntity = ContentRootEntity(contentRootUrl, emptyList(), moduleEntity.entitySource) { val sourceRootEntity = SourceRootEntity( sourceRootUrl, SourceRootTypeId("java-source"), moduleEntity.entitySource ) this.sourceRoots = mutableListOf(sourceRootEntity) } builder.modifyModuleEntity(moduleEntity) { this.contentRoots = mutableListOf(contentRootEntity) } }

Adding Different Types of Library Roots

Two library roots of different types are defined, and a new exclude root is added.

val workspaceModel = WorkspaceModel.getInstance(project) val virtualFileUrlManager = workspaceModel.getVirtualFileUrlManager() val libraryEntity = workspaceModel.currentSnapshot .resolve( LibraryId( libraryName, LibraryTableId.ProjectLibraryTableId ) ) ?: ... val sourceRoot = LibraryRoot( virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/bar"), LibraryRootTypeId.SOURCES ) val compiledRoot = LibraryRoot( virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/baz"), LibraryRootTypeId.COMPILED ) workspaceModel.update("Adding library roots") { builder -> builder.modifyLibraryEntity(libraryEntity) { this.roots = mutableListOf(sourceRoot, compiledRoot) // Adding new exclude root val virtualFileUrl = virtualFileUrlManager .getOrCreateFromUrl("file://foo/out") this.excludedRoots = excludedRoots + ExcludeUrlEntity(virtualFileUrl, this.entitySource) } }


Migration of Caches Relying on Library/Module

Using Library or Module as a key on maps has a number of disadvantages:

  • Can’t be used as a key for collections that rely on hashcode calculation, as these objects are mutable by their nature.

  • The fact that they extend Disposable (see Disposer and Disposable) imposes additional difficulties.

To eliminate these shortcomings, use EntityPointer. It represents a pointer to an entity which can be stored anywhere. The pointer can be obtained via WorkspaceEntity.createPointer(). An instance of this class stores an internal ID of the entity and doesn't contain the pointer to the original storage, so it's ok to store them in long-living data structures as it won't create a memory leak.

The pointer will resolve to the same entity for the same storage and will survive modifications. If the entity is removed or replaced by a different one via MutableEntityStorage.replaceBySource(), the pointer may either resolve to null or to a completely different entity which reused the same internal ID. To be sure that the pointer resolves to the original entity, also subscribe to changes in the storage.

Last modified: 12 September 2024