Plugin recommendations

Last modified: 23 January 2024

The IntelliJ Platform IDEs may recommend a plugin for installation in one of the following cases:

  • If a project contains files of types which are unsupported by the running IDE but are supported by a plugin available in the plugin repository.

  • If a project was created in different IDE installation which had the plugin installed, and includes shared settings (modules, facets, artifacts, or run configurations) configured using the plugin.

IntelliJ Platform IDEs only show plugin suggestions in the appropriate context, so they are meaningful to the user.

The Feature Extractor tool catalogs these types of features for a plugin. It works by statically analyzing the bytecode of a plugin to extract values passed to the IntelliJ Platform APIs that support extending features in the above list.

However, if values are dynamically evaluated in a plugin, the feature extractor may return incomplete results.

If you cannot find your plugin in the list of features, you can either make your code easier for the analysis or ask JetBrains to add manually any missed feature types.