Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform SDK
This document describes our contribution guidelines for the open-source IntelliJ Platform SDK documentation and sample code. Before you begin contributing content to the SDK, please read this page thoroughly as well as the Code of Conduct and License documents.
For information about contributing to the IntelliJ Platform itself, please visit Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform.
Content contributions to the IntelliJ Platform SDK are very welcome!
Before creating content for a new topic or adding large sections to the existing pages, please create an issue in the IJSDK YouTrack project to ensure we are not working on the same topic, and to agree on the form of the content draft. Checking with us before starting the work will reduce the risk of creating content that is unnecessary and won't be accepted.
Please clone the intellij-sdk-docs project from GitHub, make additions or changes, and submit a pull request. Alternatively, start by clicking on the Edit page link on the top of each page.
Before creating or altering content, please consult these guides:
SDK Docs Style Guide. This guide describes documentation conventions in terms of content style and syntax.
SDK Code Sample Guidelines. Conventions for code sample organization, project settings, and naming conventions are described in this document.
Thanks for your feedback!