IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK
IntelliJ Platform Explorer

SDK Docs Style Guide

Edit pageLast modified: 11 March 2025

This document describes the writing style used in authoring open-source IntelliJ Platform SDK documentation. Before you begin, read this page thoroughly, as well as the Code of Conduct and License documents. See also Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform SDK for some general remarks.

For information about contributing to the IntelliJ Platform itself, visit Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform.

First and foremost, we should keep in mind our audience and their objectives: Someone reading technical content is usually looking to answer a specific question. That question might be broad or narrowly-focused, but either way, our goal is to provide answers without distraction.

To verify grammar and correct spelling, it is highly recommended to use Grazie Professional plugin to highlight any issues on-the-fly in the IDE.