IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help


Notifications inform users about the status of user or system initiated operations. They can have different actions depending on the message.

There are four types of notifications:

What notification to use

Consider two factors when deciding which notification type to use.

User action

Are the users required to address the notification before they can proceed with current tasks?

  • Required immediately

  • Required, but not immediately

  • Not required

Context of trigger

What initiated the notification? Does the initiation point to a particular context or location?

  • File tab

  • Tool windows

  • Other

Use the following table to determine which notification to use based on the two factors:

User action




Required immediately



Confirm Restart

Opening projects in new window

When trying to rename a method, but a conflict is found

Need a dependency before using a feature


Required, but not immediately

File tabs

Tool windows


Configuring SDK for your project

Requiring a Gradle sync for tools to work properly


Not required

Tool windows

Tool Window balloons

Status of task completion

When Find Usages is invoked on a method, use a tool window balloon to show the feedback since the results will be found in the Find tool window

Toolwindow balloon

All but file tabs or tool windows

Sticky balloons

IDE and Plugin Updates

Sticky toast

Timed balloons

Module imported

Framework detection

Timed toast

Exception: If the action is highly recommended, consider using Banners across all files for visibility instead of Sticky balloon.

Last modified: 17 May 2024