Plugin Content
Plugin distribution are built using the dedicated Gradle buildPlugin
task (Reference: 2.x, 1.x) or Plugin DevKit.
The plugin distribution .jar file contains:
configuration file (META-INF/plugin.xml) (Plugin Configuration File)
classes implementing the plugin functionality
recommended: plugin logo file(s) (META-INF/pluginIcon*.svg) (Plugin Logo)
See Distribution Size for important steps to optimize the plugin distribution file.
Targeting a plugin distribution to a specific OS is not possible (issue).
A plugin consisting of a single .jar file is placed in the /plugins directory.
The plugin .jar file is placed in the /lib folder under the plugin's "root" folder, together with all required bundled libraries.
All JARs from the /lib folder are automatically added to the classpath (see also Plugin Class Loaders).
Do Not Repackage LibrariesDo not repackage libraries into the main plugin JAR file. Otherwise, Plugin Verifier will yield false positives for unresolved classes and methods.