The IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin introduces a set of tasks to handle activities of the plugin development for IntelliJ-based IDEs, such as building, verifying, testing, and publishing the plugin archive.
Tasks related to the IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin are selectively applied to your project based on specific conditions or criteria defined within the plugin's context. This means that the plugin intelligently determines which tasks are relevant and necessary based on the current state or configuration of your project. This contextual application of tasks ensures that the plugin operates efficiently, performing only those actions that are appropriate for the given project environment at any time.
Tasks have dependencies on each other, they inherit from Task Awares interfaces, respect configuration and build cache, and can be configured independently. However, most cases will be covered by the IntelliJ Platform Extension.
Available in: Platform, Module, Base
Depends on: jarSearchableOptions
, prepareSandbox
Extends: Zip
Sources: BuildPluginTask
Builds the plugin and prepares the ZIP archive for testing and deployment.
It takes the output of the prepareSandbox
task containing the built project with all its modules and dependencies, and the output of jarSearchableOptions
The produced archive is stored in [buildDirectory]archiveFile
can be controlled with properties provided with the Zip
base task. By default, the archiveBaseName
is set to the plugin name specified in the plugin.xml file, after it gets patched with the patchPluginXml
Do Not Repackage LibrariesDo not repackage libraries into the main plugin JAR file. Otherwise, Plugin Verifier will yield false positives for unresolved classes and methods.
Specifies the archive file representing the output file produced by the task.
- Type
Builds the index of UI components (searchable options) for the plugin. This task runs a headless IDE instance to collect all the available options provided by the plugin's Settings.
If the plugin doesn't implement custom settings, it is recommended to disable this task via intellijPlatform.buildSearchableOptions
In the case of running the task for the plugin that has intellijPlatform.pluginConfiguration.productDescriptor
defined, a warning will be logged regarding potential issues with running headless IDE for paid plugins. It is possible to mute this warning with the paidPluginSearchableOptionsWarning
Gradle property.
Specifies the directory where searchable options will be generated.
- Type
- Default value
Emits a warning when the task is executed by a paid plugin. Can be disabled with the paidPluginSearchableOptionsWarning
Gradle property.
- Type
- Default value
is defined
Composes a final JAR by combining the output of base jar
or instrumentedJar
tasks, depending on if code instrumentation is enabled with intellijPlatform.instrumentCode
The final JAR is also combined with plugin modules marked using the pluginModule
dependencies helper.
Specifies the archive file representing the output file produced by the task.
- Type
Available in: Platform, Module
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
Sources: InitializeIntelliJPlatformPluginTask
Generates the MANIFEST.MF file with all relevant information about the project configuration.
To apply the produced manifest file, JarCompanion.applyPluginManifest
method should be called on a task extending Jar
This file is bundled into the output JAR files produced by composedJar
, instrumentedJar
, and Jar
The IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin version.
- Type
The version of currently used Gradle.
- Type
The [ProductInfo] instance of the current IntelliJ Platform.
- Type
Plugin version.
- Type
Location of the generated MANIFEST.MF file.
- Type
Available in: Platform, Module, Base
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
Sources: InitializeIntelliJPlatformPluginTask
Executes before every other task introduced by IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin to prepare it to run. It is responsible for:
checking if the project uses IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin in the latest available version
preparing the KotlinX Coroutines Java Agent file to enable coroutines debugging when developing the plugin
The self-update check can be disabled via selfUpdateCheck
Gradle property. To make the Coroutines Java Agent available for the task, inherit from CoroutinesJavaAgentAware
Determines if the operation is running in offline mode and depends on Gradle start parameters.
- Type
- Default value
See also:
Represents the property for checking if self-update checks are enabled.
- Type
- Default value
Represents a lock file used to limit the plugin version checks in time. If the file is missing and other conditions are met, the version check is performed.
- Type
Specifies the Java Agent file for the Coroutines library required to enable coroutines debugging.
- Type
- Default value
/tmp /initializeIntelliJPlatformPlugin /coroutines-javaagent.jar
Represents the current version of the plugin.
- Type
Represents the latest version of the plugin.
- Type
Defines that the current project has only the Module applied but no Platform.
- Type
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: jar
Extends: DefaultTask
, JavaCompilerAware
Sources: InstrumentCodeTask
Executes the code instrumentation using the Ant tasks provided by the used IntelliJ Platform dependency. The code instrumentation scans the compiled Java and Kotlin classes for JetBrains Annotations usages to replace them with their relevant functionalities.
The task is controlled with the intellijPlatform.instrumentCode
extension property, enabled by default. To properly run the instrumentation, it is required to add instrumentationTools()
dependencies to the project. This dependency is available via the intellijDependencies()
repository, which can be added separately or using the defaultRepositories()
See also:
Specifies the compile classpath of the project's source set.
- Type
Specifies the list of directories with compiled classes.
- Type
- Default value
of the project's source sets.
Specifies the list of directories with GUI Designer form files.
- Type
- Default value:
files of the project's source sets.
Specifies the location of the source code.
- Type
Enables INFO
logging when running Ant tasks.
- Type
- Default value:
Specifies the output directory for instrumented classes.
- Type
Creates a copy of the current module's jar
task output with instrumented classes added.
Available in: Platform
Depends on: buildSearchableOptions
, prepareSandbox
Extends: Jar
Sources: JarSearchableOptionsTask
Creates a JAR file with searchable options to be distributed with the plugin.
Specifies the directory where the JAR file will be created.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies if a warning is emitted when no searchable options are found. Can be disabled with noSearchableOptionsWarning
Gradle property.
- Type
- Default value
Patches plugin.xml file with values provided with the intelliJPlatform.pluginConfiguration
Specifies the input plugin.xml file, which by default is picked from the main resource location.
- Type
- Default value
/main /resources /META-INF /plugin.xml
Specifies the patched output plugin.xml file, which by default is written to a temporary task-specific directory within the build directory.
- Type
- Default value
/tmp /patchPluginXml /plugin.xml
Specifies a unique plugin identifier, which should be a fully qualified name similar to Java packages and must not collide with the ID of existing plugins. The ID is a technical value used to identify the plugin in the IDE and JetBrains Marketplace. The provided value will be assigned to the <id>
Please use characters, numbers, and .
symbols only and keep it reasonably short.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the user-visible plugin name. It should use Title Case. The provided value will be assigned to the <name>
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the plugin version displayed in the Plugins settings dialog and on the JetBrains Marketplace plugin page. Plugins uploaded to JetBrains Marketplace must follow semantic versioning. The provided value will be assigned to the <version>
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the plugin description displayed in the Plugins settings dialog and on the JetBrains Marketplace plugin page. Simple HTML elements, like text formatting, paragraphs, lists, etc., are allowed. The description content is automatically wrapped in <![CDATA[... ]]>
. The provided value will be assigned to the <description>
- Type
- Default value
A short summary of new features, bugfixes, and changes provided in this plugin version. Change notes are displayed on the JetBrains Marketplace plugin page and in the Plugins settings dialog. Simple HTML elements, like text formatting, paragraphs, lists, etc., are allowed.
The change notes content is automatically wrapped in <![CDATA[... ]]>
. The provided value will be assigned to the <change-notes>
To maintain and generate an up-to-date changelog, try using Gradle Changelog Plugin.
- Type
- Default value
The plugin product code used in the JetBrains Sales System. The code must be agreed with JetBrains in advance and follow the requirements. The provided value will be assigned to the <product-descriptor code="">
element attribute.
- Type
Date of the major version release in the YYYYMMDD
format. The provided value will be assigned to the <product-descriptor release-date="">
element attribute.
- Type
Specifies the major version of the plugin in a special number format used for paid plugins on JetBrains Marketplace. The provided value will be assigned to the <product-descriptor release-version="">
element attribute.
- Type
Specifies the boolean value determining whether the plugin is a Freemium plugin. The provided value will be assigned to the <product-descriptor optional="">
element attribute.
- Type
Specifies the boolean value determining whether the plugin is an EAP release. The provided value will be assigned to the <product-descriptor eap="">
element attribute.
- Type
Specifies the lowest IDE version compatible with the plugin. The provided value will be assigned to the <idea-version since-build="..."/>
element attribute.
- Type
The highest IDE version compatible with the plugin. The until-build
attribute can be unset by setting provider { null }
as a value. However, if until-build
is undefined, compatibility with all the IDEs since the version specified by the since-build
is assumed, which can cause incompatibility errors in future builds.
The provided value will be assigned to the <idea-version until-build="..."/>
element attribute.
The until-build
attribute can be unset by setting provider { null }
as a value.
- Type
Specifies the vendor name or organization ID (if created) in the Plugins settings dialog and on the JetBrains Marketplace plugin page. The provided value will be assigned to the <vendor>
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the vendor's email address. The provided value will be assigned to the <vendor email="">
element attribute.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the link to the vendor's homepage. The provided value will be assigned to the <vendor url="">
element attribute.
- Type
- Default value
Available in: Platform
Depends on: buildSearchableOptions
, composedJar
, prepareSandbox
Extends: DefaultTask
Sources: PrepareJarSearchableOptionsTask
Collects the content produced with buildSearchableOptions
for the jarSearchableOptions
Specifies the directory where the prepared searchable options are read from.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the directory where the filtered content is placed.
- Type
- Default value
/tmp /prepareJarSearchableOptions
Specifies the lib directory within the current sandbox.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the final composed Jar archive with the plugin content.
- Type
- Default value
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: jar
, instrumentedJar
Extends: Sync
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
, SplitModeAware
Sources: PrepareSandboxTask
Prepares a sandbox environment with the plugin and its dependencies installed. The sandbox directory is required by tasks that run IDE and tests in isolation from other instances, like when multiple IntelliJ Platforms are used for testing with runIde
, prepareTest
, testIdeUi
, or testIdePerformance
tasks. The sandbox directory is created within the container configurable with intellijPlatform.sandboxContainer
Tasks based on the PrepareSandboxTask
are sandbox producers and can be associated with sandbox consumers. To define the consumer task, make it extend from SandboxAware
and apply the consumer.applySandboxFrom(producer)
Represents the suffix used i.e., for test-related or custom tasks.
The default suffix is composed of the task name (prepare[X]Sandbox[_Y]
) to the -[X][Y]
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the default sandbox destination directory where plugin files will be copied.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the name of the plugin directory in the sandbox.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the directory where the plugin artifacts are to be placed.
- Type
- Default value
An internal field to hold a list of plugins to be disabled within the current sandbox. This property is controlled with disablePlugin()
method of IntelliJ Platform Testing Extension.
- Type
Specifies the output of the Jar
task. The proper Jar.archiveFile
picked depends on whether code instrumentation is enabled.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a list of dependencies on external plugins resolved from the intellijPlatformPluginsExtracted
configuration added with Dependencies Extension
- Type
Dependencies defined with the runtimeClasspath
- Type
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: prepareTestSandbox
Extends: DefaultTask
, TestableAware
Sources: PrepareTestTask
Prepares an immutable test
task and provides all necessary dependencies and configurations for a proper testing configuration.
Available in: Platform
Depends on: jar
, instrumentedJar
Extends: Sync
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
, SplitModeAware
Sources: PrepareSandboxTask
The prepareSandbox
task instance configured to work with the test
Available in: Platform, Module, Base
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
Sources: PrintBundledPluginsTask
Prints the list of bundled plugins available within the currently targeted IntelliJ Platform.
Available in: Platform, Module, Base
Extends: DefaultTask
, ProductReleasesValueSource.FilterParameters
Sources: PrintProductsReleasesTask
Prints the list of binary product releases that, by default, match the currently selected IntelliJ Platform along with intellijPlatform.pluginConfiguration.ideaVersion.sinceBuild
and intellijPlatform.pluginConfiguration.ideaVersion.untilBuild
The filter used for retrieving the release list can be customized by using properties provided with ProductReleasesValueSource.FilterParameters
Property that holds the list of product releases to print and which can be used to retrieve the result list.
- Type
- Default value
The output of
using default configuration
See also:
Available in: Platform
Depends on: buildPlugin
, signPlugin
Extends: DefaultTask
Sources: PublishPluginTask
Publishes the plugin to the remote plugins repository, such as JetBrains Marketplace.
See also:
Specifies the ZIP archive file to be published to the remote repository. By default, it uses the output signPlugin.archiveFile
if plugin signing is configured, otherwise the buildPlugin.archiveFile
- Type
- Default value
See also:
Specifies the URL host of a plugin repository.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the authorization token.
- Type
- Required
- Default value
Specifies a list of JetBrains Marketplace channel names used as destination for the plugin upload.
- Type
- Default value
Publishes the plugin update and marks it as hidden to prevent public visibility after approval.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies if the IDE Services plugin repository service should be used.
- Type
- Default value
Available in: Platform
Depends on: patchPluginXml
, prepareSandbox
Extends: JavaExec
, RunnableIdeAware
, SplitModeAware
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
Sources: RunIdeTask
Runs the IDE instance using the currently selected IntelliJ Platform with the built plugin loaded. It directly extends the JavaExec
Gradle task, which allows for an extensive configuration (system properties, memory management, etc.).
This task runs against the IntelliJ Platform and plugins specified in project dependencies. To register a customized task, use intelliJPlatformTestingExtension.runIde
Runs the IDE instance using the currently selected IntelliJ Platform with the built plugin and Robot Server plugin loaded.
This task is not available by default and needs to be registered manually by applying the following code:
val runIdeForUiTests by intellijPlatformTesting.runIde.registering {
task {
jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
plugins {
intellijPlatformTesting.runIde {
runIdeForUiTests {
task {
} as CommandLineArgumentProvider)
plugins {
A deprecated method for setting up IntelliJ Platform dependencies.
The setupDependencies
task was automatically added to the "After Sync" Gradle trigger to make the IntelliJ Platform dependency available for IntelliJ IDEA right after the Gradle synchronization. This method is no longer needed as the dependency on IntelliJ Platform is declared directly in Gradle dependencies.
It's recommended to remove any references to
task. See the Migration page for more details.
Signs the ZIP archive with the provided key using the Marketplace ZIP Signer library. To sign the plugin before publishing to JetBrains Marketplace with the signPlugin
task, it is required to provide a certificate chain and a private key with its password using intellijPlatform.signing
extension. As soon as privateKey
(or privateKeyFile
) and certificateChain
(or certificateChainFile
properties are specified, the task will be executed automatically right before the publishPlugin
To start using the plugin signing feature, it is necessary to add a dependency on the Marketplace ZIP Signer CLI tool by adding the
entry to the dependencies section.
For more details, see Plugin Signing.
Specifies the unsigned ZIP archive input file. Corresponds to the in
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the signed ZIP archive output file. Corresponds to the out
CLI option.
Predefined with the name of the ZIP archive file with -signed
name suffix attached. The output file is placed next to the input archiveFile
- Type
- Default value
suffix applied to the name
Specifies the KeyStore file path. Corresponds to the ks
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the KeyStore password. Corresponds to the ks-pass
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the KeyStore key alias. Corresponds to the ks-key-alias
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the KeyStore type. Corresponds to the ks-type
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the JCA KeyStore Provider name. Corresponds to the ks-provider-name
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the encoded private key in the PEM format. Corresponds to the key
CLI option.
Takes precedence over the privateKeyFile
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a file with an encoded private key in the PEM format. Corresponds to the key-file
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the password required to decrypt the private key. Corresponds to the key-pass
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a string containing X509 certificates. The first certificate in the chain will be used as a certificate authority (CA). This parameter corresponds to the cert
CLI option.
Takes precedence over the certificateChainFile
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the path to the file containing X509 certificates. The first certificate in the chain will be used as a certificate authority (CA). Corresponds to the cert-file
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: prepareTest
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
, PluginAware
Sources: TestCompanion
The base Gradle test
task is preconfigured using the TestCompanion
class to run tests with IntelliJ Platform, sandbox, and all system properties set.
The task itself isn't mutated and a dedicated prepareTest
task is involved to request for required IntelliJ Platform and sandbox configuration.
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: prepareTest
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
, PluginAware
Sources: TestIdeTask
task is not registered by default.
Runs tests using a custom IntelliJ Platform with the developed plugin installed. It directly extends the Test Gradle task, which allows for an extensive configuration (system properties, memory management, etc.).
The TestIdeTask
is a class used only for handling custom testIde
To register a customized test task, use intelliJPlatformTestingExtension.testIde
Available in: Platform
Depends on: prepareSandbox
Extends: JavaExec
, RunnableIdeAware
, TestableAware
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
Sources: TestIdePerformanceTask
Not implemented.
Runs the IDE instance with the developed plugin and Starter framework for UI testing.
Specifies the archive file representing the input file to be tested.
- Type
- Default value
Available in: Platform
Depends on: buildPlugin
Extends: JavaExec
, RuntimeAware
, PluginVerifierAware
Sources: VerifyPluginTask
Runs the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier CLI tool to check the binary compatibility with specified IDE builds.
Due to caching, the latest Plugin Verifier release version (1.383) might not be picked up by Gradle immediately. In such cases, refresh dependencies manually.
See also:
Specifies IntelliJ Platform IDEs used by the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier CLI tool for binary plugin verification. The list of IDEs is managed through the intellijPlatform.pluginVerification.ides
- Type
Specifies the input ZIP archive file of the plugin to verify. If this parameter is empty, the task will be skipped.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a list of class prefixes from external libraries. The Plugin Verifier will not report No such class
errors for classes in these packages.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the verification level at which the task fails if any reported issue matches.
- Default value
Represents a list of free arguments that are passed directly to the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier CLI tool. These arguments are used in conjunction with those provided by dedicated options.
See How to mute specific problems in pluginVerification? for sample usage.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a file that contains a list of problems that will be ignored in a report.
- Type
Indicates whether the operation is executed in offline mode. This depends on the start parameters specified in Gradle.
- Type
- Default value
See also:
Specifies which subsystems of the IDE should be checked.
- Type
Specifies whether to use the TeamCity-compatible output format. If set to true
, outputs in a format compatible with TeamCity, directing the output to stdout.
- Type
Specifies the path to the directory where verification reports will be saved.
- Type
Specifies the output formats of the verification reports.
Available in: Platform, Module
Depends on: patchPluginXml
Extends: DefaultTask
, IntelliJPlatformVersionAware
, PluginAware
Sources: VerifyPluginProjectConfigurationTask
Validates the plugin project configuration:
property can't be lower than the target IntelliJ Platform major version.The Java/Kotlin
properties should be aligned with the Java versions required bypatchPluginXml.sinceBuild
and the currently used IntelliJ Platform.The Kotlin API version should be aligned with the version required by
and the currently used IntelliJ Platform.The used IntelliJ Platform version should be higher than
).The dependency on the Kotlin Standard Library (stdlib) should be excluded.
The Kotlin plugin in version
is not used with IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin due to the 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space' exception.The Kotlin Coroutines library should not be added explicitly to the project as it is already provided with the IntelliJ Platform.
The IntelliJ Platform cache directory should be excluded from the version control system. Add the
entry to the .gitignore file.The currently selected Java Runtime is not JetBrains Runtime (JBR).
For more details regarding the Java version used in the specific IntelliJ SDK, see Build Number Ranges.
See also:
Specifies the report directory where the verification result will be stored.
- Type
- Default value
/reports /verifyPluginConfiguration
Specifies the root project path.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the IntelliJ Platform cache directory.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the .gitignore
file located in the [rootDirectory], tracked for content changes.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the JavaCompile.sourceCompatibility
property value defined in the build script.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the JavaCompile.targetCompatibility
property value defined in the build script.
- Type
- Default value
Indicates that the Kotlin Gradle Plugin is loaded and available.
- Type
- Default value
Kotlin Gradle Plugin presence
Specifies the apiVersion
property value of compileKotlin.kotlinOptions
defined in the build script.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the languageVersion
property value of compileKotlin.kotlinOptions
defined in the build script.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the version of Kotlin used in the project.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the jvmTarget
property value of compileKotlin.kotlinOptions
defined in the build script.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the value of the kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency
property as defined in the gradle.properties file.
- Type
- Default value
Gradle property
Indicates whether the Kotlin Coroutines library is explicitly added to the project dependencies.
- Type
- Default value
dependency presence
Defines if the current module is a main project or imported module, which uses Module plugin.
- Type
- Default value
The Module plugin presence
Validates the signature of the plugin archive file using the Marketplace ZIP Signer library.
See also:
Specifies the input, unsigned ZIP archive file. This parameter corresponds to the in
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies a string containing X509 certificates. The first certificate in the chain will be used as a certificate authority (CA). This parameter corresponds to the cert
CLI option.
Takes precedence over the certificateChainFile
- Type
Specifies the path to the file containing X509 certificates. The first certificate in the chain will be used as a certificate authority (CA). This parameter corresponds to the cert-file
CLI option.
- Type
- Default value
written to a temporary file
Available in: Platform
Depends on: prepareSandbox
Extends: DefaultTask
, SandboxAware
Sources: VerifyPluginStructureTask
Validates completeness and contents of plugin.xml descriptors as well as plugin archive structure.
See also:
Specifies whether the build should fail when the verifications performed by this task fail.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies whether the build should fail when the verifications performed by this task emit unacceptable warnings.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies whether the build should fail when the verifications performed by this task emit warnings.
- Type
- Default value
Specifies the location of the built plugin file used for verification.
- Type
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