The references functionality is one of the most important parts in the implementation of custom language support. Resolving references means the ability to go from the usage of an element to its declaration, completion, rename refactoring, find usages, etc.
Define a Named Element Class
The classes below show how the Simple Language fulfills the need to implement PsiNamedElement.
public abstract class SimpleNamedElementImpl extends ASTWrapperPsiElement implements SimpleNamedElement {
public SimpleNamedElementImpl(@NotNull ASTNode node) {
Define Helper Methods for Generated PSI Elements
Modify SimplePsiImplUtil to support new methods that get added to the PSI class for Simple Language. Note that SimpleElementFactory isn't defined until the next step, so for now it shows as an error.
The SimpleElementFactory provides methods for creating SimpleFile.
package org.intellij.sdk.language.psi;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import org.intellij.sdk.language.SimpleFileType;
public class SimpleElementFactory {
public static SimpleProperty createProperty(Project project, String name) {
SimpleFile file = createFile(project, name);
return (SimpleProperty) file.getFirstChild();
public static SimpleFile createFile(Project project, String text) {
String name = "dummy.simple";
return (SimpleFile) PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).
createFileFromText(name, SimpleFileType.INSTANCE, text);
Update Grammar and Regenerate the Parser
Now make corresponding changes to the Simple.bnf grammar file by replacing the property definition with the lines below. Remember to regenerate the parser after updating the file! Right-click on the Simple.bnf file and select Generate Parser Code.
A reference contributor allows the simple_language_plugin to provide references to Simple Language from elements in other languages such as Java. Create SimpleReferenceContributor by subclassing PsiReferenceContributor. Contribute a reference to each usage of a property:
final class SimpleReferenceContributor extends PsiReferenceContributor {
public void registerReferenceProviders(@NotNull PsiReferenceRegistrar registrar) {
new PsiReferenceProvider() {
public PsiReference @NotNull [] getReferencesByElement(@NotNull PsiElement element,
@NotNull ProcessingContext context) {
PsiLiteralExpression literalExpression = (PsiLiteralExpression) element;
String value = literalExpression.getValue() instanceof String ?
(String) literalExpression.getValue() : null;
if ((value != null && value.startsWith(SIMPLE_PREFIX_STR + SIMPLE_SEPARATOR_STR))) {
TextRange property = new TextRange(SIMPLE_PREFIX_STR.length() + SIMPLE_SEPARATOR_STR.length() + 1,
value.length() + 1);
return new PsiReference[]{new SimpleReference(element, property)};
return PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY;
Register the Reference Contributor
The SimpleReferenceContributor implementation is registered using the com.intellij.psi.referenceContributor extension point and specifying language="JAVA".
The IDE now resolves the property and provides completion suggestions:
The Rename refactoring functionality is now available from definition and usages.
Define a Refactoring Support Provider
Support for in-place refactoring is specified explicitly in a refactoring support provider. Create SimpleRefactoringSupportProvider by subclassing RefactoringSupportProvider As long as an element is a SimpleProperty it is allowed to be refactored:
final class SimpleRefactoringSupportProvider extends RefactoringSupportProvider {
public boolean isMemberInplaceRenameAvailable(@NotNull PsiElement elementToRename, @Nullable PsiElement context) {
return (elementToRename instanceof SimpleProperty);
Register the Refactoring Support Provider
The SimpleRefactoringSupportProvider implementation is registered with the IntelliJ Platform in the plugin configuration file using the com.intellij.lang.refactoringSupport extension point.