IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

21. Spell Checking

Spell checking allows users to see spelling errors while editing code.

Define a SimpleSpellcheckingStrategy

The SimpleSpellcheckingStrategy extends SpellcheckingStrategy

final class SimpleSpellcheckingStrategy extends SpellcheckingStrategy { @Override public @NotNull Tokenizer<?> getTokenizer(PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof PsiComment) { return new SimpleCommentTokenizer(); } if (element instanceof SimpleProperty) { return new SimplePropertyTokenizer(); } return EMPTY_TOKENIZER; } private static class SimpleCommentTokenizer extends Tokenizer<PsiComment> { @Override public void tokenize(@NotNull PsiComment element, @NotNull TokenConsumer consumer) { // Exclude the start of the comment with its # characters from spell checking int startIndex = 0; for (char c : element.textToCharArray()) { if (c == '#' || Character.isWhitespace(c)) { startIndex++; } else { break; } } consumer.consumeToken(element, element.getText(), false, 0, TextRange.create(startIndex, element.getTextLength()), CommentSplitter.getInstance()); } } private static class SimplePropertyTokenizer extends Tokenizer<SimpleProperty> { public void tokenize(@NotNull SimpleProperty element, @NotNull TokenConsumer consumer) { //Spell check the keys and values of properties with different splitters final ASTNode key = element.getNode().findChildByType(SimpleTypes.KEY); if (key != null && key.getTextLength() > 0) { final PsiElement keyPsi = key.getPsi(); final String text = key.getText(); //For keys, use a splitter for identifiers //Note we set "useRename" to true so that keys will be properly refactored (renamed) consumer.consumeToken(keyPsi, text, true, 0, TextRange.allOf(text), IdentifierSplitter.getInstance()); } final ASTNode value = element.getNode().findChildByType(SimpleTypes.VALUE); if (value != null && value.getTextLength() > 0) { final PsiElement valuePsi = value.getPsi(); final String text = valuePsi.getText(); //For values, use a splitter for plain text consumer.consumeToken(valuePsi, text, false, 0, TextRange.allOf(text), PlainTextSplitter.getInstance()); } } } }

Register the SimpleSpellcheckingStrategy

The implementation is registered with the IntelliJ Platform in the plugin configuration file using the extension point.

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"> < language="Simple" implementationClass="org.intellij.sdk.language.SimpleSpellcheckingStrategy"/> </extensions>

Run the Project

Run the project by using the Gradle runIde task.

Open the test.simple file and make an intentional spelling mistake. The IDE will highlight the error and suggest a quick fix.

Last modified: 26 July 2024