IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin – FAQ

How to modify system properties of the runIde task?

Using the very same task documentation, configure runIde task:

tasks { runIde { jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider { listOf("-Dname=value") } } }
tasks { runIde { jvmArgumentProviders.add({ ["-Dname=value"] } as CommandLineArgumentProvider) } }

Task runIdeForUiTests not found

The runIdeForUiTests is no longer registered by default. Follow the task documentation for more details.

Missing opentest4j dependency in Test Framework

Due to the IJPL-157292 issue, the opentest4j dependency is not resolved when using TestFrameworkType.Platform or TestFrameworkType.JUnit5.

This results in the NoClassDefFoundError exception:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/opentest4j/AssertionFailedError

To apply the workaround, add the missing org.opentest4j:opentest4j test dependency to your Gradle build configuration:

dependencies { // ... testImplementation("org.opentest4j:opentest4j:1.3.0") }
dependencies { // ... testImplementation 'org.opentest4j:opentest4j:1.3.0' }

JUnit5 Test Framework refers to JUnit4

Due to the IJPL-159134 issue, the JUnit5 Test Framework refers to JUnit4 classes when running test.

This results in the NoClassDefFoundError exceptions:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: junit/framework/TestCase Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/rules/TestRule

To apply the workaround, add the JUnit4 test runtime dependency to your Gradle build configuration:

dependencies { // ... testRuntimeOnly("junit:junit:4.13.2") }
dependencies { // ... testRuntimeOnly 'junit:junit:4.13.2' }

Dependency on bundled plugin is not resolved after migrating from 1.x

Using Gradle IntelliJ Plugin (1.x), specifying the directory name of the plugin was possible when adding a dependency on a bundled plugin for compatibility reasons. Now, using the actual plugin ID is required. For example, provide plugin ID instead of its directory name java. A migration hint is provided for this and some other commonly used cases.

See Bundled and Other Plugins on how to get all bundled plugin IDs as well as a list of some commonly used ones.

How to disable the automatic reload of dynamic plugins?

See Enabling Auto-Reload for important caveats.

Disable auto-reload globally with intellijPlatform.autoReload:

intellijPlatform { autoReload = false }
intellijPlatform { autoReload = false }

It is also possible to disable it for a specific runIde-based task as follows:

tasks { runIde { autoReload = false } }
tasks { runIde { autoReload = false } }

How to disable building the searchable options?

Building the searchable options can be disabled using intellijPlatform.buildSearchableOptions:

intellijPlatform { buildSearchableOptions = false }
intellijPlatform { buildSearchableOptions = false }

As a result of disabling building searchable options, the Settings that your plugin provides won't be searchable in the Settings dialog. Disabling of the task is suggested for plugins that are not intended to provide custom settings.

Gradle fails with The request for this plugin could not be satisfied

Gradle may fail with the following exception if the IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin is applied to the project multiple times with version specified more than once:

The request for this plugin could not be satisfied because the plugin is already on the classpath with an unknown version, so compatibility cannot be checked.

When applying the plugin in the settings.gradle.kts file, the version needs to be omitted when applying it in other build.gradle.kts files.

How to show the log file of a sandbox instance?

The most convenient way to see the logs of a running IDE is to add a tab to the Run tool window displaying the contents of idea.log file. In the Gradle runIde run configuration, add the log file path according to sandbox location as described in View logs.

Task setupDependencies not found in root project 'projectName'

This exception is thrown when there's no setupDependencies task present in the project scope.

See Migrating from Gradle IntelliJ Plugin for more details.

How to expose my plugin API sources to dependent plugins?

See the Bundling Plugin API Sources section for details.

How to mute specific problems in pluginVerification?

To mute specific problems (for example, use of specific forbidden words in the plugin name), use the freeArgs parameter to pass a comma-separated list of problem IDs to be muted.

See the list of available options.

intellijPlatform { pluginVerification { // ... freeArgs = listOf( "-mute", "TemplateWordInPluginId,ForbiddenPluginIdPrefix" ) } }
intellijPlatform { pluginVerification { // ... freeArgs = [ "-mute", "TemplateWordInPluginId,ForbiddenPluginIdPrefix", ] } }

JaCoCo Reports 0% Coverage

The Gradle IntelliJ Plugin, when targeting the IntelliJ SDK 2022.1+, uses the PathClassLoader class loader by the following system property:


Because of that, JaCoCo – and other external tools that rely on classes available in the bootstrap class loader – fail to discover plugin classes.

In addition, if the code instrumentation is enabled (see intellij.instrumentCode), it's required to switch to the compiled and instrumented output instead of default compiled classes.

The following changes to your Gradle configuration file:

tasks { withType<Test> { configure<JacocoTaskExtension> { isIncludeNoLocationClasses = true excludes = listOf("jdk.internal.*") } } jacocoTestReport { classDirectories.setFrom(instrumentCode) } jacocoTestCoverageVerification { classDirectories.setFrom(instrumentCode) } }
test { jacoco { includeNoLocationClasses = true excludes = ["jdk.internal.*"] } } jacocoTestReport { classDirectories.setFrom(instrumentCode) } jacocoTestCoverageVerification { classDirectories.setFrom(instrumentCode) }

Kotlin compiler throws Out of memory. Java heap space error

Please upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.0. See the Incremental compilation section if using Kotlin 1.8.20.

How to check the latest available EAP release?

To list the IntelliJ Platform releases matching your criteria (IntelliJ Platform type, release channels, or build range), use the printProductsReleases task as follows:

import org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.IntelliJPlatformType import org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.models.ProductRelease tasks { printProductsReleases { channels = listOf(ProductRelease.Channel.EAP) types = listOf(IntelliJPlatformType.IntellijIdeaCommunity) untilBuild = provider { null } doLast { val latestEap = productsReleases.get().max() } } }
import org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.IntelliJPlatformType import org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.models.ProductRelease tasks { printProductsReleases { channels = [ProductRelease.Channel.EAP] types = [IntelliJPlatformType.IntellijIdeaCommunity] untilBuild = null doLast { def latestEap = productsReleases.get().max() } } }

The currently selected Java Runtime is not JetBrains Runtime (JBR)

When running tests or IDE with your plugin loaded, it is necessary to use JetBrains Runtime (JBR). In the case, no JBR is found in the plugin configuration, there's the following warning logged by the verifyPluginProjectConfiguration task:

The currently selected Java Runtime is not JetBrains Runtime (JBR). This may lead to unexpected IDE behaviors. Please use IntelliJ Platform binary release with bundled JBR or define it explicitly with project dependencies or JVM Toolchain.

To correctly run your tests or a specific IDE:

  • use a binary IDE distribution with bundled JetBrains Runtime, i.e., by referring to a local IDE local(localPath)

    repositories { mavenCentral() intellijPlatform { defaultRepositories() } } dependencies { intellijPlatform { local("/Users/hsz/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA") } }
    repositories { mavenCentral() intellijPlatform { defaultRepositories() } } dependencies { intellijPlatform { local '/Users/hsz/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA' } }
  • add an explicit dependency on a JetBrains Runtime with jetbrainsRuntime()

    repositories { mavenCentral() intellijPlatform { defaultRepositories() jetbrainsRuntime() } } dependencies { intellijPlatform { intellijIdeaCommunity("2024.3.3") jetbrainsRuntime("...") } }
    repositories { mavenCentral() intellijPlatform { defaultRepositories() jetbrainsRuntime() } } dependencies { intellijPlatform { intellijIdeaCommunity '2024.3.3' jetbrainsRuntime '...' } }
  • specify the vendor when configuring the JVM Toolchain along with Foojay Toolchains Plugin:

    kotlin { jvmToolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) vendor = JvmVendorSpec.JETBRAINS } }
    java { toolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) vendor = JvmVendorSpec.JETBRAINS } }

plugin.xml: Cannot resolve plugin com.intellij.modules.vcs

Add an explicit dependency on the bundled module:

dependencies { intellijPlatform { bundledModule("intellij.platform.vcs.impl") } }
Last modified: 28 October 2024