IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Getting Help

Missing some documentation? Or got stuck developing your plugin? See all the ways of obtaining support below for each case.

Please use English in all communication.




Problems with the Guide

If you're having problems with the guide itself, such as missing, incorrect, or confusing content, please raise an issue on YouTrack. If the problem is easily solved, you can also submit a Pull Request.

If you want to report (smaller) issues for a specific page, you can also use the Was this page helpful? feedback form on the bottom of each page by providing more details after clicking the No button. Please try to be as specific as possible and provide your e-mail address for further questions and getting notified of updates.

If you just want to share feedback on the guide, again, raise an issue, even if it's for a discussion, ideas on improvements or suggestions.


如果你在使用本指南的时候遇到问题,例如内容缺失,错误或者内容混乱,请在 YouTrack上提交问题 。如果问题很容易得到解决,你也可以提交 拉取请求

如果你想报告特定页面的(小)问题,你还可以使用每个页面底部的 Was this page helpful 反馈表,方法是点击No按钮后提供更多详细信息。请尽量具体的描述您的问题并提供您的电子邮件地址,以便于后续问题沟通并在更新时获取通知。


Problems with Code - Support Issues

For questions, problems, or other discussions about plugin development itself (rather than the content of this guide), use our JetBrains Platform community forum. The forum is monitored by JetBrains team members.

Of course, all raised questions will be used to try and improve this guide.


请参考 插件开发常见问题问答探索 IntelliJ Platform API 来获取相关技巧和窍门。 对于与插件开发本身有关的问题和难题(和本指南内容无关),你有几个选择: JetBrains Platform Slack上的#intellij-platform — 这个聊天室是讨论有关扩展JetBrains产品问题的好地方,解答来自JetBrains团队成员和社区成员。

插件开发论坛 - 在支持论坛上发布消息。JetBrains团队成员会定期更新并解答问题。 当然,所有收到的问题都将用于尝试和改进本指南。

Problems with Products

If you have a problem with an IntelliJ Platform-based product, such as IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, Rider, etc., please use any of the regular Product Support channels.


如果在使用基于 IntelliJ 平台的产品(例如 IntelliJ IDEA、WebStorm、Rider 等)时遇到问题,请使用任何常规产品支持渠道。

Last modified: 06 February 2025