IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Writing Short and Clear

Texts in user interfaces should be short and clear. Short texts save reading time. Clear texts lead to fewer mistakes. Editing methods described below can help with that.

Use simple constructions

Use simple verb forms. Prefer present tense.

Use simple sentences: one idea per sentence.

Avoid passive voice.

This way, the same meaning can be expressed with fewer words. Compare:

Those resources that are available locallyLocal resources

Maven has to useMaven uses

The use of a secure connection is requiredUse secure connection

Remove or elaborate generic words

Words like general, advanced, and options do not add useful information and can be removed with no harm to the meaning:

Generic general

Generic options
No meaning is lost after removing group headers "General" and "Options".

Some generic words cannot be removed. They can appear in actionable elements like buttons, checkboxes, or links. Or removing a group header could break a dialog layout. In such cases, use a more informative label instead:

Generic renamed link
The link "Learn more" does not explain what useful information could be there for the user to click it.

Remove obvious objects and actions

Remove verbs that explain the function of a UI control:

Obvious specify
Text boxes are made for input — an explicit instruction "specify" duplicates the meaning expressed by the text field. Additional information can be given under the field — see Context help.

Obvious prefer

A selected radio button means its option is "preferred".

Obvious allow

A checked checkbox means its feature is "allowed".

Remove words with a meaning that is already expressed in the label:

Obvious contents

The clipboard’s purpose is to keep information so the infinitive "to keep" is implying the obvious and can be removed.

Obvious functionality

The word "functionality" is already implied by "Drag’n’Drop" and can be removed.

Do not address the user

A user interface is for a person who uses it. Addressing this person is unnecessary because they by default perceive the text they see as for them:


The whole phrase after the comma is not needed because its meaning is already expressed by the verb "configure".

Remove duplicates

If the repeating word appears in element labels, move it to the beginning. Finding a setting becomes faster as you scan only meaningful words:

Writing short duplicates

Remove duplicates in meaning:

Help improve notification




Help improve IntelliJ IDEA by sending anonymous usage statistics to JetBrains s.r.o.

Help improve IntelliJ IDEA

The purpose of the header is to attract attention. The shorter and clearer header does that better.

if you want to help make IntelliJ IDEA better

Allow sending anonymous usage statistics to JetBrains s.r.o.

"Help make IntelliJ IDEA better" is already expressed in the message header. The body text now explains how the user can do that.


Terms and conditions

The link more... does not tell what is behind it — unclear for the user why to click it.



click I agree

The verb "click" is obvious from context: you cannot do much with a link other than click.

click... I don’t agree otherwise

The link "I don’t agree" duplicates the notification "Close" button which appears on hover.

Notification info

The icon is not needed because the message is purely informative, not an error or a warning. Texts are information by default, there is no need to specify that meaning explicitly.

Translate from tech to human

When you make a feature, you know how it works from the inside and can describe it from the implementation point of view:

Indent options before

A person not familiar with implementation details won’t know what the Automatic indent options detector is, why file’s indent options have been overwritten and what indent size=2 means. Translated to the "human" language, the message reads:

Indent options after

Always write UI text from a user’s perspective. Avoid technical terms, jargon and descriptions of inner logic that a user might not know.

Write for first-time users

After writing a UI text, imagine seeing it for the first time and try to understand what might be unclear or confusing. Then correct if necessary.

First time file colors before
For a first-time user, Enable File Colors enables or disables the other two options (but it does not).

First time file colors after
Rewritten: now all options are equal.

More examples:

First time auto insert
Before: The title can be read as "Auto-insert when only one checkbox is on" making you ask how it works when both checkboxes are on. After: Replacing choice with completion option makes the title unambiguous.

First time smart keys
Before: What do smart Home and End keys do? What do they do if they are not smart? After: The added text explains what the options do so that the reader can make an informed choice.


Project structure




Project name Project SDK Project language level

Project name SDK Language level

"Project" can be left only for the first field. All others will be understood as project settings because they appear in the same group of UI elements.

This path is used to store

This path stores

Simple verb form

store all project compilation results

stores project compilation output

"all" is extra because it is implied by default. "results" is another word for "output" — having different words for the same meaning complicates understanding.

A directory corresponding to each module is created under this path. This directory contains two subdirectories...

It has a separate directory for each module, with the Production and Test subdirectories.

"is created" is not relevant to the meaning of this phrase. "two" is obvious from context: you see that there are two subdirectories because only two are named.



This [field name] is default for all project modules. A module specific [field name] can be configured for each of the modules is required.

This phrase is repeated for all fields. Can be shown only once at the bottom of the dialog.

Offline mode




visits the remote repositories and checks for updates

checks remote repositories for updates

"Checks" already includes the meaning of "visits".

When you switch to offline mode

In the offline mode

The action "switched" is not relevant for the meaning of this phrase. Also, an unnecessary reference to the user — "you".

Maven has to use

Maven uses

Not relevant that a technology must do something, enough to say it just works this way.

those resources that are available locally

local resources

reports about the problems if something is missing

reports if something is missing



The offline mode is helpful when you need to work offline

The phrase does not explain when the offline mode is helpful. It should either be elaborated or removed.

or when your network connection is slow

Only one of possible uses for the offline mode and an obvious one. It can be removed for a more concise text.

Last modified: 23 May 2024