IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Context Help

Use context help to briefly explain how a functionality works if it is not clear from the UI and the application behavior. Provide a full description of the functionality in product web help.

There are three ways to show context help:

This article explains when to use the first two. For when to use the empty state, see the Empty State topic.

Inline text or a tooltip

Use inline help text in settings dialogs:

  • Settings are rarely changed. Users may forget what a setting does when they use it the next time, so it makes sense to provide additional information straight away.

  • Settings dialogs are usually not constrained in space. In most cases, it is possible to fit in a help text.

09 use inline help text

Use a help tooltip if:

  • A dialog is often used. The more often a person uses an interface, the more likely they are to remember what each option does.

    10 use help tooltip
    A refactoring dialog is used more often than a settings dialog. A help tooltip is less distracting than an inline help text.

  • There is no space for an inline text.

    11 no space in settings
  • The control that needs explanation is an icon or does not have a label.

    03 action help tooltip

When to use context help

Explain complex behavior that a short action or a setting name cannot convey clearly.

04 question icon tooltip
02 text size

Explain IDE-specific entities.

01 ide specific

Provide input format requirements and examples.

02 formatting example

Suggest alternative ways.

03 alternative ways

Warn about possible problems.

04 possible problems

Explain limitations.

05 limitations

Provide quick navigation to related settings.

04 link internal

When not to use

Do not use context help to explain how the user interface works. If you need to explain that, consider redesigning the UI.


06 explain how ui works

Do not explain common actions and entities. Show a regular tooltip with an action name and shortcut in this case.



07 explain obvious incorrect
07 explain obvious correct

Do not explain each option. Too many help icons or too much inline text make a dialog cluttered and harder to navigate visually. If all options need to be explained, consider rewriting the labels to make them clearer.


08 explain all options

How to use

See Inline help text and Tooltip.

Last modified: 23 May 2024