Plugin upload API
Last modified: 18 January 2024Please note that the maximum allowed plugin size is 400 MB.
You should create a permanentToken
in My Tokens tab within your JetBrains Marketplace profile dashboard.
Other parameters:
is a numeric ID of the plugin, it can be retrieved from the plugin repository URL, e.g. ScalapluginId
. (pluginXmlId
can be used instead, too.)pluginXmlId
is a unique identifier of the plugin specified as<id>
. It can be found as aPlugin XML ID
parameter on the right of the plugin's individual update page and in theplugin.xml
. (pluginId
can be used instead, too.)channel
is a release channel the update is published to (empty channel means defaultStable
channel) (optional)isHidden
is an option to make this update hidden to prevent public release after approval (e.g.-F isHidden=true
Using pluginId
Provide file as file contents. Curl command template:
curl -i --header "Authorization: Bearer <permanentToken>" -F pluginId=<pluginId> -F file=@<path to plugin .jar/.zip file> -F channel=<channel>
Curl command example:
curl -i --header "Authorization: Bearer perm:qwertyasdfghzxcvb" -F pluginId=5047 -F -F channel=nightly
Using pluginXmlId
Provide file as file contents. Curl command template:
curl -i --header "Authorization: Bearer <permanentToken>" -F xmlId=<pluginXmlId> -F file=@<path to plugin .jar/.zip file> -F channel=<channel>
Curl command example:
curl -i --header "Authorization: Bearer perm:qwertyasdfghzxcvb" -F -F -F channel=nightly
You can upload the plugins for .NET using push
command of the NuGet CLI.
Push command template:
nuget push <path to plugin .nupkg file> <permanentToken> -Source
Push command example:
nuget push angularjs.1.9.0.nupkg perm:qwertyasdfghzxcvb -Source
Configuration for NuGet is located in %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.Config
(Windows), ~/.config/NuGet/NuGet.Config
or ~/.nuget/NuGet/NuGet.Config
You can modify this file using the NuGet CLI commands.
For example, you can set a key for a source and add plugins site to the default push source:
# Set hub token for plugins site
nuget setApiKey perm:qwertyasdfghzxcvb -Source
# Set plugins site as default for push
nuget config -set defaultPushSource=
# Push if the key and the default source are set
nuget push angularjs.1.9.0.nupkg
In addition to the fact that you can change NuGet's default configuration, you can apply your own configuration file using ConfigFile
option in push
For example:
nuget push angularjs.1.9.0.nupkg -ConfigFile ~/my.Config
To obtain more information about the NuGet configuration, see this page.