JetBrains Marketplace Help

Plugin update download API

There are two ways to download the plugin version programmatically:

1. Download the latest plugin update compatible with a certain product<pluginXmlId> &build=<productCode>-<buildNumber>


  • pluginXmlId is specified as a Plugin XML ID parameter on the right of the plugin's individual update page and in the plugin.xml.

  • productCode is a two-character product code (see product codes reference for more information.) It can be blank.

  • buildNumber is a build number of the IDE (specified in the About Dialog in the product, and in the release notes.)

e.g. for Scala plugin (pluginXmlId=org.intellij.scala) & IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 (productCode=IU, buildNumber=171.3780.107):

2. Download a specified version of the plugin<pluginXmlId> &version=<version>


  • pluginXmlId is specified as a Plugin XML ID parameter on the right of the plugin's individual update page and in the plugin.xml.

  • version is a version of the plugin update.

e.g. for Scala plugin (pluginXmlId=org.intellij.scala) & Version 2017.1.15:

Last modified: 01 July 2024