IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Built-In Button

A built-in button is an icon placed inside an input control.



To place a button inside a text field, use ExtendableTextField and its addExtension() method.

When to use

Use a built-in button instead of adding a separate button on the right where possible to save space and declutter the interface:


Browse button


Incorrect browse button


Use the Browse icon to select a single file or a folder from the disc.



A combo box with the Browse button:

val browseExtension = ExtendableTextComponent.Extension.create( AllIcons.General.OpenDisk, AllIcons.General.OpenDiskHover, "Open file", { System.out.println("Browse file clicked") } ) val extComboBox = ComboBox<String>(STRING_VALUES) extComboBox.setEditable(true) extComboBox.setEditor(object : BasicComboBoxEditor() { override fun createEditorComponent(): JTextField { val ecbEditor = ExtendableTextField() ecbEditor.addExtension(browseExtension) ecbEditor.setBorder(null) return ecbEditor } })
ExtendableTextComponent.Extension browseExtension = ExtendableTextComponent.Extension.create( AllIcons.General.OpenDisk, AllIcons.General.OpenDiskHover, "Open file", () -> System.out.println("Browse file clicked") ); ComboBox<String> extComboBox = new ComboBox<>(STRING_VALUES); extComboBox.setEditable(true); extComboBox.setEditor(new BasicComboBoxEditor() { @Override protected JTextField createEditorComponent() { ExtendableTextField ecbEditor = new ExtendableTextField(); ecbEditor.addExtension(browseExtension); ecbEditor.setBorder(null); return ecbEditor; } });

Expand a field

If the input text can be long and the place is constrained, use an input field with the Expand button:

Collapsed built-in button

Expanded field:

Expanded built-in button

List values

Use the List icon to select a value from the list of objects such as classes, methods, or environment variables:

List of values

Add value

Use the Add button to select multiple values, such as files, variables, folder paths. The selected values will be added to the existing list.

Add a value to the field

When not to use

Cut, Copy, Paste

Do not use the Copy, Paste or Cut button. Instead, make sure these actions are available on pressing Cmd/Ctrl+X, Cmd/Ctrl+C, and Cmd/Ctrl+V shortcuts or from the context menu.


Browse button


Incorrect browse button

Help, Info

Do not use the Help or Info buttons to open an external link or a hint. Use the context help instead.


Context help


Incorrect browse button


The shortcut for a built-in button is Shift+Enter. The shortcut activates only when the input field with the button is focused.

Last modified: 05 February 2025