JetBrains Marketplace Help

Common errors and warnings

If you encounter any issues during the plugin upload, there's no need to worry. Our error messages include concise and actionable steps for resolution, but if something remains unclear, feel free to reach out to us at

Errors with compatibility range:


The since-build parameter is not specified. Follow the requirements described here to specify it correctly.


The since-build parameter is greater than the until-build parameter. Ensure that you follow the requirements described here to specify the build number ranges correctly.


The since-build and until-build parameters must not contain product code prefix. Follow the requirements described here to specify the build number ranges correctly.


The until-build parameter format is invalid. Ensure it represents the actual build numbers and follow the requirements described here to specify the build number ranges correctly.


The since-build parameter format is invalid. Ensure it is greater than 130, it does not end with a dot star suffix .* and represents the actual build numbers.


The until-build parameter does not match the multi-part build number format: branch.build_number.version, for example, '182.4132.789'. For detailed info refer here.


The since-build parameter does not match the multi-part build number format: branch.build_number.version, for example, '182.4132.789'. For detailed info refer here.

Errors with the plugin archive file:


Unexpected plugin archive file structure. The plugin .jar file should be placed in the /lib folder within the plugin's root directory, along with all the required bundled libraries. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The system was unable to read the archive file. Ensure it has been assembled correctly. If the error persists, please contact our support team at


The plugin archive file cannot be extracted. Ensure it has been assembled correctly. If the error persists, please contact our support team at


The plugin file is empty. Ensure that the plugin file is not corrupted or incomplete. If the issue persists, please contact our support team at


The plugin archive file contains an unexpected file. It must contain a directory. Please use Gradle or Plugin DevKit to build the plugin distribution. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The plugin archive file contains a single .jar file in the root folder. The plugin .jar file should be placed in the /lib folder within the plugin's root directory, along with all the required bundled libraries. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The plugin root directory must not contain multiple files. The plugin .jar file should be placed in the /lib folder within the plugin's root directory, along with all the required bundled libraries. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The lib directory must not be empty. Ensure that the libraries are defined correctly. You may refer to the documentation for guidance.


The plugin file size exceeds the maximum limit of 400MB. Ensure that the plugin file is compressed and meets the maximum size limit.


The plugin archive contains an unexpected file. Please use Gradle or Plugin DevKit to build the plugin distribution. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.

Errors with the plugin configuration file:


Failed to resolve xi:include statement in the plugin.xml file. Ensure that the referenced XML file or resource exists and is accessible. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The theme description file cannot be read. Ensure the theme description file is present and follows the JSON open-standard file format of key-value pairs. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The theme description file cannot be found. Ensure the theme description file is present and follows the JSON open-standard file format of key-value pairs. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


One of the parameters is too long and exceeds the maximum allowed character limit.


The plugin description is shorter than 40 characters. Please provide a more detailed description of the plugin along with usage instructions. You may refer to our recommendations here.


The release-date parameter must be of YYYYMMDD format (type: integer). Keep in mind that this is required for paid/freemium plugins only. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The declared optional dependencies configuration files contain cycle. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The plugin description contains non-Latin characters. If you'd like to keep the description in any other language, then the one in English must be the first one and in the first line. You may refer to our recommendations here.


The module value parameter is empty. It must be specified as module value=\"my.module\"/.


The dependency ID is invalid. It cannot be empty and must not contain newline characters. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The plugin description contains a full HTTP link, which can cause issues with display or functionality. Ensure all links in description are provided in HTTPS.


One of the parameters matches the default value. Ensure that none of the parameters matches the default value in the plugin.xml file.



The plugin name contains the template word. Ensure the plugin name meets the following requirements.


The until-build does not represent the actual build number. If you want your plugin to be compatible with all future IDEs, you can leave this field empty. However, we highly recommend setting it to the latest available IDE version.


Dependency declaration is superfluous. Dependencies are mandatory by default. Update the plugin.xml file and remove optional=\"false\ attribute from the dependency parameters.


The configuration file for optional dependency prefix failed to be resolved and is invalid. Double-check the declared optional dependency to avoid any issues with the plugin functionality.


Optional dependency declaration should specify \"config-file\". Declare config-file attribute in addition to optional dependency in the plugin.xml file. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The plugin configuration file does not include any module dependency tags. So, the plugin is assumed to be a legacy plugin and is loaded only in IntelliJ IDEA. Please note that plugins should declare a dependency on com.intellij.modules.platform to indicate dependence on shared functionality, refer to the documentation on plugin compatibility.


To define an application-level listener, add the applicationListeners section to your plugin.xml along with topic and class attributes. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided here.


The specified element is available starting from specific IDEs versions but the plugin can be installed in earlier versions.


There is a duplicated dependency. Remove this dependency by updating the plugin.xml file.


The changed-notes parameter contains the default value Add change notes here or most HTML. You can update it in the plugin.xml file and upload it to JetBrains Marketplace again.

Last modified: 01 July 2024