People could have various roles in JetBrains Marketplace. The roles provided in order from less permissive. Each next role has all the permissions of the previous one.
A user who is not logged in with the JetBrains Hub account.
Read-only access to JetBrains Marketplace (can see plugin pages, download available plugin versions)
A user who is logged in with the JetBrains Hub account.
Upload new plugins
Write reviews/comments
Rate plugins
Create organizations
A user who is added as a Developer to at least one plugin.
Publish updates for their plugins
Add new authors to their plugins
Edit the information of their plugins
Add custom pages to their plugins
Move their plugins to an organization if they are members of this organization and the plugins are properly configured
Check statistics of their plugins
Apply their plugins to be sold on JetBrains Marketplace
Subscribe to the new comments/reviews of their plugins
Subscribe to the verification results of their plugins (if available)
Global administrator in the scope of an organization.
Manage organization details
Manage organization staff
Manage organization plugins
Grant other organization members the administrator role
Remove the organization (only if this organization doesn't have vendor information for paid plugins)
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