IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help


A loader informs users about performing a lengthy operation.


When to use

Follow the rules for progress indicators.

How to use

The loader form and sizes are the same in all themes. Use the default 16x16 loader in all cases.

JLabel( "Loading...", AnimatedIcon.Default(), SwingConstants.LEFT )
new JLabel( "Loading...", new AnimatedIcon.Default(), SwingConstants.LEFT );

A loader may have a label if the process is long and the loader is shown in an empty area. In this case, use a progress text as the label:

Loader with progress text

Remove the loader as soon as the process completes.


Inside a field

Placement field
ExpandableTextField textField = new ExpandableTextField(); textField.addExtension( Extension.create(new AnimatedIcon.Default(), null, null) );

In a corner

Placement corner

Next to an item

Placement item

Before a progress text

Placement progress text
Last modified: 04 July 2024